What's your favorite Monstie?
Eye's favorite is Alatreon- they got black dragon fever.
My favorite is Vaal Hazak- though I really love Blackveil. I hunger for the lich dragaeon-
Though, a very close second would have to be Tetsucabra, just because I love how chonky he is.
So ye, What's your favorite? Could be for looks, how they fight, sound design, or just if you think their concept is neat. -Hell, it could be just Monster concepts! Like that once sick as fuck punching dragon.
I love the different feelings almost every monster gives off- be that goofy, beautiful, scary, or badass. It's kinda like pokemon where it doesn't matter what your fav is, it's valid.
Just don't say Kongalala or I will throw you down a ravine, You Supershit.