Hello! It's been a while, about a month since the last post to be precise. Me(Ð) and Al had a rollercoaster of emotions last July.
First and foremost- This account has gotten a rebrand! We were formerly known as "Dorres" And "Eyes"
I was a goddamn goofshit when naming the account as i thought you could change the username willy nilly- but NNNOPE. We'd been planning to rebrand at some point as we were in the process of developing Sona's that felt right to us.
So yes, Dorres is now Ð and Eyes is now Alicard. Reformed men.

Expect tons of goofy art.
ALso- an explanation for those who care. Fair warning, it details some heavy shit like a death in the family and depression.
Ok, so
The main cause for our absence is due to my grandmother passing away.
She was like a mother to me, having raised me since I was a toddler. She had died peacefully, but her final days were wrought with pain, and it was hard for me, Al, and my family to focus on anything but her comfort. Even long after she's passed, i still feel horribly depressed by her loss. I had been living with her for more than 20 years, and with her gone my housing arrangement was soon to follow. I am in a much better position now than i was before however, both financially and emotionally. Me and Al have been slowly returning to our passions, and have begun making art and writing once again.
Ty all so much if you've read this far, and expect more art soon.
You're all rather lovely~